This is a copy and paste of my email to Stephanie, which set off a major fiasco for my life, and the fallout was so bad that I applied for a medically assisted death: the only changes are the removal of full email addresses.
from: Jack
to: Stephanie
date: Feb 14, 2021, 6:27 PM
subject: Care plan
I have considered asking you this a few times--and in the past 10 years I have never asked anybody else (well there was the fire and I was in prison for 4 1/2 years)...
Tuesday's my birthday!
Know what I'd like for my birthday?
I'd like someone to take down my pants and take that strap to my bare backside but good...
If you don't reply, I swear by all the Gods--real or imagined--I will never mention this to you again...
If you would like a little more detail about what I have in mind let me know...
Next day, I got an email from Agnes Vimmer, PSW Supervisor for St. Elizabeth Health Care (SEHC):
date: Feb 17, 2021, 6:15 PM
subject: visit cancellation
Good Evening Jack,
I would like to inform you that I requested to put your visit on HOLD for tonight and tomorrow morning due to the
email you sent to the SE PSW. I will follow up with the your case coordinator for further instruction tomorrow
If you have any concerns you can reach out to the LHIN afterhours at 613-544-7090 ext 4024;>
Agnes Vimmer RPN
Personal Support Supervisor
SE Health
613-530-3400 ext. 145119
The LHIN (the Local Health Integrated Network) is under the Ontario Ministry of Health, and they decide who gets into a long-term care home (at public expense), and ditto for who gets PSW and other home care, how much, how often, etc. My case coordinator is Jennifer Bedard.
And Jennifer Bedard is a whole other nightmare story: you can't believe what I have been through with the LHIN (who have changed their name yet again) in general, and Jennifer Bedard in particular. I have a series of emails exhanged between Jennifer Bedard, another PSW Supervisor with SEHC, Marie, and myself that together would convince any fair, reasonable and impartial person that Jennifer and SEHC essentially played games with my care, intentionally depriving me of 2 additional PSW visits per day. I went to Jennifer's supervisor, , and further up laying out what is proof of what I just accused Jennifer and Marie of: nobody gave a shit.
That story can be found under SEHC on my main page, HERE.
But back to Stephanie and the strap.
For the next 15 days I didn't get one visit. That meant no showers, no diaper changes (well, there was one trip to the hospital)--and no meds!!
In addition to heart medication and meds for high blood pressure, I take 3 different medications daily for severe depression.
It brings on what is known as 'rebound depression' which is depression worse than the original depression.
People who suffer with severe depression and have their antidepressant meds abruptly cut-off tend to jump off bridges, walk in front of speeding trains...
Or hang themselves in their bathroom, as I did in another instance where my meds where abruptly cut off. I have a video of it, actually... : Anyone watching would likely agree I narrowly escaped death that day.
Jennifer Bedard is a Registered Nurse. Agnes Vimmer is a RPN. And they were both aware of my suicide attempt because SEHC jerked around with my care in June 2020: it was also what prompted me to apply for a medically assisted death.
Again, it is well known that abruptly stopping antidepressant meds leads to mental agony and severe emotional turmoil: I have found that most people can't understand just how severe it can become.
After receiving the email from Agnes, I then emailed Jennifer Bedard. More than a week later she claimed she didn't see the email.
Kid you not.
That email, and many more in the series, are found HERE.
That, and many more emails that followed, can be perused there.
After my visits were finally reinstated 15 days later, still they were haphazard at best. Every other weekend there were 4 consecutive days without 1 visit.
And there were other days without 1 visit. Or only 1 visit. It was several weeks before I finally had 3 visits per day again.